The usual gang of idiots: Super Golf / Super Mahjong / Super Baseball | NES Works Gaiden: Epoch-07
Youtube Video Description:
This episode wraps up the Super Cassette Vision's launch-day lineup, and it also squares away the bulk of the obligatory content for a Japanese console launch. Golf? Check. Mahjong? Check. Baseball? Check. Don't worry, you can still look forward (?) to stuff like Shogi, but for the most part the console's library veers into much more interesting territory from here now that its legal requirements have all been ticked off.
And, hey, just because we've seen variants of all of these games on consoles of the era already doesn't mean these interpretations aren't worth discussing. Even the Mahjong game has an unusual element or two to set it apart from the many largely identical takes on the subject that cluttered game systems at the time. And the way these games play almost, but not quite, like their Famicom counterparts at the time bodes well for this system as, one hopes, an interesting citizen in the console community of mid-’80s Japan.
Production notes:
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Super Cassette Vision footage recorded from original hardware via Epoch OEM RGB SCART cable. NES/Famicom footage captured from Analogue Nt Mini. SG-1000 footage recorded from Analogue Mega Sg. Arcade footage captured from MiSTer when possible, with thanks to MiSTerAddons. Video upscaled to 720 with Micomsoft's xRGB Mini Framemeister. Special thanks to @EviesRevue (
Part of the series NES Works Gaiden. View all in series.