Mortal Kombat Trilogy & Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey Retrospective: MKUltra | N64 Works #004

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N64 Works shifts into third gear—third-party gear, that is—with a pair of games that I am wholly unsuited to break down. So instead, this episode dives into the history surrounding them: The so-called N64 Dream Team, the checkered relationship between Nintendo and Mortal Kombat, and what this version of Trilogy says about the N64 when held side-by-side against the PlayStation release. Video Works is funded through Patreon ( — support the show and get access to every episode up to two weeks in advance of its YouTube debut! And be sure to check out the Retronauts podcast (, where I (and many others!) tackle a much wider array of classic gaming topics each week.


Part of the series N64 Works. View all in series.